Speaking of AlphaSM : Platforms and Partnerships
Helping Investment Managers Keep Pace with Growing Complexity
We regularly hear from investment firms that these forces are leading many of them to consider wholesale changes to their operating models.
A conversation with Spiros Giannaros.
A number of forces are injecting new complexities into capital markets.
Growing investor demand for access to private markets, the search for diversification and differentiation in a crowded world of low-cost passive ETFs, and evolving consumer preferences toward ESG-sensitive portfolios are just three of many factors shaping the investment management industry.
I regularly hear from investment firms that these forces are leading many of them to consider wholesale changes to their operating models. They are under increasing pressure to reduce costs, entertain mergers to achieve scale, and deliver new investment products to their institutional and retail customers. Against that backdrop, many firms still depend on technology acquired over decades, supplemented with heavy reliance on spreadsheets and manual processes.
In many ways, Charles River anticipated these challenges long ago by designing an open architecture platform.
A conversation with Spiros Giannaros.
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